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The Cana­di­an Plan to Dig a Gold­mine in the Amazon

A small Cana­di­an firm wants to build the largest gold­mine in Brazil. But there’s no short­age of ques­tions, alle­ga­tions, inves­ti­ga­tions and legal bat­tles swirling around the pro­posed project. Are local sub­sis­tence min­ers mak­ing false claims to dri­ve Cana­di­an com­pe­ti­tion off their land? Are Cana­di­an min­ing exec­u­tives vio­lat­ing human rights for an esti­mat­ed $8 bil­lion pay­out? Why is the UN inves­ti­gat­ing? What should the role of the Cana­di­an gov­ern­ment be in all this?

Elon Musk’s Anti-Woke A.I. Sucks Too

Is this the era of the A.I. election?