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Ter­ry O’Reilly’s Had It With Ads

Who start­ed the first suc­cess­ful pod­cast net­work in Cana­da? What do 1950s TV and Radio have to do with pod­cast­ing? Jesse Brown sits down with Ter­ry O’Reilly, host of Under the Influ­ence, to talk about all things pod­cast­ing and advertising.

Fox News Gets Tucker’d Out

From his perch at the top of the far-right ecosys­tem, Tuck­er Carl­son reg­u­lar­ly soaked up sto­ries from Cana­da and half-jok­ing­ly called for forcible régime change here. But when it comes to dem­a­gogues who sud­den­ly find them­selves with time on their hands, even the half-jokes might mer­it anoth­er look.