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Big Picture Science

The sci­en­tif­ic method is tried and true. It has led us to a reli­able under­stand­ing of things from basic physics to bio­med­i­cine. So yes, we can rely on the sci­en­tif­ic method. The fal­li­ble humans behind the research, not so much. And politi­cians? Don’t get us start­ed. Remem­ber when one brought a snow­ball to the Sen­ate floor to prove” that glob­al warm­ing was a hoax? Oy vey.

We talk to authors about new books that seem to cast a skep­ti­cal eye on the sci­en­tif­ic method… but that are real­ly throw­ing shade on the ambi­tious lab­coat-draped humans who heat the beakers and pub­lish the papers … as well as the pin­striped politi­cians who twist sci­ence to win votes.

Find out why the hyper-com­pet­i­tive pur­suit of results that are amaz­ing” and incred­i­ble” is under­min­ing med­ical sci­ence … how a sci­en­tif­ic break­through can turn into a soci­etal scourge (hero­in as mir­a­cle cure) … and what hap­pens when civ­il ser­vants play the role of cit­i­zen sci­en­tists on CSPAN.
