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At The Edge Of Canada: Indigenous Research

Today our guest is Cree PhD can­di­date in Indige­nous Lit­er­a­ture at the Uni­ver­si­ty of British Colum­bia and Instruc­tor in the Depart­ment of Native Stud­ies at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Man­i­to­ba: Dal­las Hunt. We host a spe­cial hour-long LIVE! broad­cast of At the Edge of Cana­da in the UMFM stu­dios to dis­cuss the fall­out and response to the acquit­tal of Ger­ald Stan­ley in his sec­ond degree mur­der trail in the death of Colton Boushie from Red Pheas­ant FN in west-cen­tral Saskatchewan. Dal­las is an estab­lished voice on Indige­nous issues in the Indige­nous intel­lec­tu­al com­mu­ni­ty, in the insti­tu­tion and on social media. We work back­wards form the present day, address­ing cri­tiques and alay­ses of the acquit­tal that are focused on the juicdi­cal pro­ceed­ings to the protests of the ver­dict to the defense coun­sel’s strat­e­gy to the state of Indige­nous/Non-Indige­nous rela­tions pre and post tri­al. We dig into the social actions that took place in Cana­di­an urban cen­tres and First Nation com­mu­ni­ties in response to the astound­ing not-guilty ver­dict on Feb. 10, includ­ing the march on the law courts that tran­spired in Win­nipeg. We dish about the case: the pre­pos­ter­i­ty of Stan­ley’s defense, the hang-fire the­o­ry, set­tler-colo­nial biopol­i­tics since Treaty 6 was made, and we intel­lec­tu­al­ize the spec­tral bound­aries of the Cana­di­an set­tler imag­i­nary and the sites accord­ed to Indige­nous youth that con­stitue real vio­lence for imag­ined threats.

Dal­las and his col­league in the Depart­ment of Native Stud­ies, Dr. Gina Star­blan­ket, also penned an opin­ion piece in the Globe and Mail on Feb. 13 that dis­cuss­es sim­i­lar ideas.