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On-air now: The Heat Wave Baby Shutdown 12:00pm–2:00pm

Up next: Planet Mainstage 2:00pm–4:00pm

Program Directory

Art World Innovators

Guest: Mokha Laget, New Mex­i­co-based painter, born in North Africa, renowned for her sig­na­ture shaped can­vas paint­ings, explor­ing hypo­thet­i­cal space and light through large, colour­ful geo­met­ric abstractions. 

Visu­al Scores #18, 2022
Pas­tel on black Arch­es paper, 22″ x 30

Pho­to with per­mis­sion from the artist

Water­shed #2, 2022, vinyl emul­sion on 4 shaped can­vas pan­els, 28′ x 336 in

Impro­vi­sa­tions, 2023 Var­i­ous Musi­cal Col­lab­o­ra­tions: The capric­cio is a ren­der­ing of imag­i­nary space. It has both his­toric and exper­i­men­tal appli­ca­tions in art, archi­tec­ture, and music. Mokha Laget’s paint­ed capric­cios are fod­der for son­ic col­lab­o­ra­tions and impro­vi­sa­tions. Relat­ed events include: The Chica­go Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra, Civic Orches­tra Cham­ber Series Chica­go, IL May 72023

Pho­to with per­mis­sion from the artist