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Alternative Radio

War­ren Buf­fett, the much-admired genius investor and one of the world’s rich­est men said, There’s class war­fare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s mak­ing war, and we’re win­ning.” And who are the losers? The work­ing class, peo­ple who work for an hourly wage or are salaried. The rul­ing class has dri­ven down wages and ben­e­fits, smashed unions, and cut pro­grams that pro­tect the dis­ad­van­taged. All of this at a time when income and wealth inequal­i­ty has reached his­toric extremes. Who’s to blame? In a clas­sic exam­ple of divide and rule immi­grants are demo­nized and scape­goat­ed. It’s all their fault. Not the boss­es and CEOs who make oodles of mon­ey. Can the work­ing class, long tak­en for grant­ed by the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty, be a force for pos­i­tive pro­gres­sive change? How might it over­come its own inter­nal divi­sions and contradictions?