Pledge-O-Rama Returns April 19th through April 26th - dig deep and support great Campus & Community Radio in Winnipeg!

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Alternative Radio

Con­gress shall make no law…abridging free­dom of speech.” There it is. Plain and sim­ple. The First Amend­ment to the Con­sti­tu­tion. But since 911 that amend­ment has been under sus­tained attack. Whistle­blow­ers John Kiri­ak­ou, Julian Assange, Chelsea Man­ning, Edward Snow­den, and oth­ers are hound­ed, threat­ened and impris­oned by the U.S. gov­ern­ment. A fas­ci­nat­ing and com­pelling account of past and present efforts to secure and expand polit­i­cal and social rights for work­ers, women and African-Amer­i­cans. A clas­sic Zinn from our archives.