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204 Rise

Wel­come back a Win­nipeg favourite and local DJ, Haus of Pan­da, for his sec­ond appear­ance on Episode 139 of the 204Rise Pod­cast! Haus of Pan­da who’s soared through the ranks of the music and DJ scene, gets into the jour­ney from his roots in Win­nipeg to glob­al prominence.

The ori­gins of Haus of Pan­da’s musi­cal odyssey, from his ear­ly days break­ing into the club scene to refin­ing his craft and cre­at­ing unfor­get­table sets. Hear about the hur­dles he con­quered, demon­strat­ing the resilience need­ed to per­fect his artistry and seize oppor­tu­ni­ties to show­case his talent.

Explore the birth of Speed World Records, Haus of Pan­da’s brain­child label, and his trans­for­ma­tion as a music pro­duc­er, forg­ing a dis­tinct path in the indus­try. Get insights into his inter­na­tion­al trav­els, where he cul­ti­vat­ed his unique sound and con­nec­tions, before return­ing to Win­nipeg to share his pas­sion for music and deliv­er elec­tri­fy­ing live performances!

New episodes Every Tues­day https://​link​tr​.ee/​204Rise