Listen Live

On-air now: Expansive Prairie Skies 2:00am–4:00am

Up next: Deep Threes 4:00am–6:00am


The after­noon broad­cast will fea­ture speak­ers and music cel­e­brat­ing the treaties and cre­at­ing an oppor­tu­ni­ty for set­tlers to learn more about build­ing respect­ful rela­tion­ships with Indige­nous neigh­bours.

Please tune in and lis­ten to the broad­cast on Sun­day, Sep­tem­ber 27th from 3PM to 5PM, and check out some of the videos of the per­for­mances, cap­tured this year in a social­ly dis­tanced fash­ion, on our site on the day of the event!

Be sure to lis­ten along as Indige­nous Peo­ples, Set­tlers, and New­com­ers will share what being Treaty means to them!

You’ll hear unique, heart­felt con­tri­bu­tions from the fol­low­ing participants:

Michael Red­head Cham­pagne (our emcee for the event)
Treaty Com­mis­sion­er Loret­ta Ross

Elder Har­ry Bone

Hen­ry Neufeld
The Janzen Boys

Ray Coco” Steven­son
Sis­ter Dorothy

Dou­ble the Trouble

If you hap­pen tune in to part or all of the event, please take a quick minute to share what you thought — we’d love to hear your feed­back! We’ve set up a quick sur­vey, please respond if you can !

This event orga­nized by Men­non­ite Cen­tral Com­mit­tee Man­i­to­ba, Win­nipeg Quak­ers, TRC Action Com­mit­tee Unit­ed Church, Dio­cese of Rupert’s Land (Angli­can) and in part­ner­ship with the Treaty Rela­tions Com­mis­sion of Man­i­to­ba (TRCM).