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On-air now: Vanguard Radio 1:00am–3:00am

Up next: Lost In Bass 3:00am–5:00am


This Thurs­day on Ultra­son­ic Film” at 10pm, host James inter­views actor Antho­ny Michael Hall and he dis­cuss­es his 40+ year career, includ­ing the John Hugh­es films Nation­al Lam­poon’s Vaca­tion”, The Break­fast Club”, Wierd Sci­ence” as well as his role in The Dark Knight” (as the kid­napped reporter) and the TV movie Pyrates of Sil­i­con Val­ley” (where he played Bill Gates) and he dis­cuss­es his new film as actor/​producer The Class” which pre­mieres VOD/​Digital on Sept 9th!”