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Join­ing Sled Island’s pre­vi­ous­ly announced 2024 guest cura­tor, Show Me the Body, is inci­sive Chica­go rap­per Mick Jenk­ins (per­form­ing with a full band at The Palace The­atre), Los Ange­les indie rock­ers Cher­ry Glaz­err, genre-bend­ing rap artist Kari Faux, Mon­tréal-based hip-hop trio Plan­et Giza, 70s Zam­rock revival­ists W.I.T.C.H., renowned sound­scape com­pos­er Lau­rel Halo, British elec­tron­ic pro­duc­er For­est Swords, emi­nent post-punk three-piece Wom­bo, and Philadel­phia hard­core punk group Soul Glo (select­ed by Show Me the Body). 

Also includ­ed in the first wave line­up is acclaimed Toron­to-based death met­al band Tomb Mold, avant-garde ambi­ent com­pos­er and Cal­gary native Sarah Davachi, hyp­not­ic indie-pop musi­cian Lael Neale, free jazz col­lec­tive Irre­versible Entan­gle­ments (led by poet and musi­cian Moor Moth­er), illus­tri­ous mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary artist Mal­colm Mooney (best known as the orig­i­nal singer of the 70s Ger­man krautrock group Can) with his new project Mal­colm Mooney & The Eleventh Plan­et, and Cana­di­an doom-esque” met­al group Ethe­re­al Tomb.

Each year, Sled Island’s guest cura­tor helps to shape the fes­ti­val’s pro­gram­ming. Show Me the Body’s pre­vi­ous­ly men­tioned cura­tor pick, Soul Glo, will be joined by sev­er­al oth­er excit­ing selec­tions, includ­ing pro­lif­ic under­ground rap artist WiFi­Gawd, exper­i­men­tal pop artist LUCY (Coop­er B. Handy), dig­i­tal hard­core-meets-hip-hop act Lust­Sick­Pup­py, indus­tri­al noise project NGHT­CR­WLR (the lat­est embod­i­ment from King Woman’s Kris Esfan­di­ari), and more still to be announced.

Round­ing out today’s announce­ment is some incred­i­ble Alber­ta-based tal­ent, includ­ing psych-infused indie group Kue Varo & The Only Hopes, wild­ly ener­getic post-punk out­fit Brain Bent, Edmon­ton indie-punks Stem Champ, hip-hop pow­er­house Tea Fan­nie & The Col­lec­tive, and retro-pop super­group Gin­ger Beef, fea­tur­ing award-win­ning flutist Jia­jia Li and vet­er­an pro­duc­er/­mul­ti-instru­men­tal­ist War­ren Tse.

Sled Island’s com­plete 2024 line­up will be announced in the com­ing months, includ­ing addi­tion­al head­lin­ers, over 150 more bands as well as com­e­dy, film, visu­al art, spe­cial events and con­fer­ence pro­gram­ming. For now, start check­ing out these new­ly announced artists on our Sled Island 2024 Spo­ti­fy playlist!

Sled Island pass­es are cur­rent­ly on sale at SledIs​land​.com/​P​asses. Today is the final day to save 20% on select Sled Island pass­es. Reg­u­lar prices go into effect tomor­row, Feb­ru­ary 7 at 12:00am MST.

For those who can’t attend the whole fes­ti­val, a lim­it­ed num­ber of sin­gle show tick­ets to select Sled Island 2024 shows will go on sale this Fri­day, Feb­ru­ary 9 at noon MST.

For more infor­ma­tion and to check out the first wave line­up, vis­it SledIs​land​.com. Thanks again to Bec­ca Lowe for the awe­some poster art!