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The Win­nipeg Arts Coun­cil and City of Song are proud to present Sing me a song you’ve (nev­er) heard before, an explo­ration of words that give us place, a sense of home in the unknown.

It’s all part of City of Song: a cel­e­bra­tion of Winnipeg’s 150th birth­day tak­ing place through­out 2024. City of Song show­cas­es the best of Winnipeg’s tal­ents and cre­ates spaces for Win­nipeg­gers to engage in the pow­er of singing with friends and neigh­bours across the city.

Fea­tur­ing artists from across dis­ci­plines, Sing me a song… is the world pre­mière of Too Far to Walk, a song cycle com­posed by Karen Sun­abac­ka with poet­ry by John Sam­son Fel­lows. Too Far to Walk re-imag­ines some of Sam­son Fellows’s famil­iar lyrics and intro­duces some new ones that have nev­er before been per­formed, as oper­at­ic art songs that reflect on inter­con­nect­ed­ness in this city.

This excit­ing new work was com­mis­sioned with the gen­er­ous sup­port of the Win­nipeg Arts Coun­cil and City of Song, and will be per­formed by Lisa Rumpel and tenor Aaron Hut­ton, two of the city’s most renowned and in-demand oper­at­ic musi­cians. The night will also include a spe­cial col­lab­o­ra­tion between Win­nipeg Poet Lau­re­ate Chimwemwe Undi and cel­list Nathan Krahn, as well as a per­for­mance by acclaimed singer-song­writer There­sa Thor.

Tick­ets are $10 at Eventbrite.