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Search­ing for Jedrick will be on dis­play at Graf­fi­ti Gallery from March 3, 2023, to April 24, 2023. The open­ing recep­tion will take place on Fri­day, March 3, 2023, from 7:0010:00 pm at Graf­fi­ti Gallery, 109 Hig­gins Avenue. The artist will be in atten­dance with an artist talk at 8:00pm. Admis­sion is free with a dona­tion of a non­per­ish­able food item. 

Search­ing for Jedrick fea­tures art­work from artist Jedrick Tho­rassie. Tho­rassie is a self-taught artist from Tadoule Lake Man­i­to­ba, cur­rent­ly resid­ing in Win­nipeg. He grew up in fos­ter care, most­ly in Thomp­son Man­i­to­ba. He draws and paints in many dif­fer­ent medi­ums, includ­ing pen­cil, acrylic, and water­col­or. His influ­ence stems from oth­er artists and painters, pop cul­ture and music. His aes­thet­ic is thought pro­vok­ing with sub­ject mat­ter reflect­ing his Dene cul­ture, nat­ur­al land­scapes, and rel­e­vant polit­i­cal issues.

I knew I was an artist before I knew much else about myself; I am self-taught. I am Dene from the com­mu­ni­ty of Tadoule Lake and am cur­rent­ly based in Win­nipeg. My sub­jects vary from land­scapes, por­traits, and art depict­ing Indige­nous sub­jects and issues. 

As an artist who is still devel­op­ing a style, my art is cre­at­ed from the idea that all my works are stud­ies. I strive to teach myself all aspects of art: light­ing, por­trai­ture, land­scapes and per­spec­tive, and the use of dif­fer­ent colour pal­lets. I am heav­i­ly influ­enced by many artists, notably Vin­cent Van Gogh, Fran­cis Bacon, Zdzis­law Beksin­s­ki, Michae­lan­ge­lo, and Nor­val Morrisseau. 

My goal as an artist is to bring atten­tion to issues fac­ing Indige­nous peo­ple. I paint with the inten­tion of express­ing myself and shar­ing this with the world.”

March 32023

At Graf­fi­ti Gallery, 109 Hig­gins Ave.

Open­ing Recep­tion: 7:0010:00 pm

Artist Talk: 8:00pm

Exhib­it on dis­play until April 242023

Admis­sion is free with dona­tion of a non­per­ish­able food item

Graf­fi­ti Art Pro­gram­ming Inc. is a not-for-prof­it com­mu­ni­ty art cen­tre ded­i­cat­ed to cel­e­brat­ing the many roles that the arts play in the lives of all Man­i­to­bans and is com­mit­ted to enhanc­ing the cul­tur­al well being of com­mu­ni­ties and neighbourhoods.