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UMFM is excit­ed to announce that the 204 Rise team will be attend­ing the Sum­mer of Sound Fes­ti­val tak­ing place on June 10, 2022, at Assini­boia Downs. 

204 Rise will be record­ing mul­ti­ple episodes at the event to show­case the wide tal­ent of artists, musi­cians, event coor­di­na­tors and many more at the fes­ti­val. The goal for the 204 Rise has always been to show­case the dif­fer­ent aspects and per­son­al­i­ties of our com­mu­ni­ty, with the hopes of leav­ing a pos­i­tive impact. 

For any­one plan­ning on attend­ing, feel free to stop by the 204 Rise booth and say hi to the team as well as pick up some UMFM good­ies! For those who are unable to attend don’t wor­ry! You can catch all the episodes in the com­ing weeks after the event! The episodes will air on the sta­tion at 11:30 am on Tues­days! For those inter­est­ed, you can also catch the video pod­cast on the 204 Rise youtube chan­nel and see clips on their social media!

Rise Up
