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Theatre Reviews

There seems to be sev­er­al mur­der mys­ter­ies this year at the Fringe and, in this show, moth­er was almost killed a few days ago but sur­vived. How­ev­er, she remains in a coma while her fam­i­ly and rel­a­tives remain at her bed­side. Nobody seems to like moth­er, or each oth­er; they only seem to want her mon­ey. In a fun twist, moth­er can hear what is being said and com­ments on these con­ver­sa­tions. Moth­er also acts as the detec­tive in the sto­ry, try­ing to solve the mys­tery of who attempt­ed to kill her.

This is a fun adap­ta­tion of the mur­der mys­tery genre. Like any good mur­der mys­tery, every one is a sus­pect and there are lots of twists and turns in this show. The fun­ni­est moments occur when moth­er com­ments on her fam­i­ly. But, the show is a lit­tle clunky in spots and I’m still not sure why moth­er need­ed to talk direct­ly to the audience.