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Theatre Reviews

Here are my thoughts as we await the start of the Win­nipeg Fringe lat­er tonight. 

1. The Pan­tages Play­house is no longer a Fringe venue. Venues 3 and 4 have moved to the for­mer Globe Cin­e­ma, which is right next to the Prairie The­atre Exchange on the third floor of Portage Place. Hope­ful­ly the strong atten­dance at the two PTE venues will help boost the atten­dance at the Globe Cin­e­ma venues. 

2. There are 13 repeat­ed shows at this year’s Fringe, which is less than last year. Groups usu­al­ly repeat shows because they’re doing a nation­al tour or because their new show isn’t quite ready. Four shows are repeat­ed from last year, includ­ing Josephine, which is back for the third con­sec­u­tive year. 

3. After a few years away, Chris Gibbs is back at the Fringe with Not Quite Sher­lock. It’s about a bum­bling detec­tive and this is the same show he did in the mid 2000s, under the title Antoine Feval. 

4. Even though there are a lot of famil­iar faces at this year’s Fringe, includ­ing TJ Dawe, Mar­tin Dock­ery and Chase Pad­gett, I think much of the excite­ment at this year’s Fringe will be com­ing from the many new faces. Some of them will present real­ly good shows and some will prob­a­bly be lack­ing. I always look for­ward to see­ing new groups impress me with imag­i­na­tive and wide­ly cre­ative shows. 

5. There seems to be a lot of shows in the horror/​ghost sto­ry genre at this year’s Fringe. I count 7 shows, and some of them are even comedies. 

6. There seems to be more mag­ic shows this year. I count 7, which seems like a lot. 

7. So far, only 2 shows have can­celled their entire run — Stu­dio 76 (Venue 2) and Singing With­out Ears, Randy’s Farewell Tour (Venue 11). 

8. I’d like to intro­duce you to our team of review­ers — Kevin Long­field, Ter­ry Moor and Cindy Mur­doch. Every day, we will have new reviews and insights from the Fringe on umfm​.com.