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Theatre Reviews

After a high-ener­gy romp through A.W.O.L, Fringe vet­er­an Jon Pater­son plays The Fool in writer-direc­tor Ryan Glad­stone’s sto­ry about a charm­ing­ly gorm­less court jester. Strange as it may seem from that descrip­tion, this is a thought­ful, sen­si­tive play about pow­er struc­tures and the risks and rewards of being truthful.

I’ve been watch­ing Pater­son per­form for, well, longer than he’d prob­a­bly like me to say, but for my mon­ey this is his finest per­for­mance, and all the more impres­sive con­sid­er­ing that his sweat prob­a­bly had­n’t dried since his pre­vi­ous show.