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Theatre Reviews

I’m not sure what to make of this show. Sam Chaulk plays a few dif­fer­ent clown char­ac­ters, but I think a more effec­tive way to con­nect with the audi­ence would have been por­tray­ing only one clown. Her strongest mate­r­i­al was how our Inter­net brows­er his­to­ry shows who we are (although one of her pre­dic­tions was wrong) but there are also uncon­nect­ed scenes like the Top Ten Rea­sons to Die”. I also did­n’t like the mean­ness of one of her char­ac­ters, which made at least one audi­ence mem­ber uncom­fort­able on Sun­day after­noon. In gen­er­al, mean clown does not work well because a clown is sup­posed to con­nect with their audience.