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Theatre Reviews

In his lat­est mono­logue Mar­tin Dock­ery recounts his expe­ri­ences of 12 years ago at the Ade­laide Fringe Fes­ti­val includ­ing an unusu­al romance that devel­ops with a mys­te­ri­ous woman. Like all of Dockery’s sto­ries, he tells it rapid fire with remark­able lucid­i­ty, made all the more remark­able by the fact that the events described hap­pened 12 years ago. In spite of the lapse of time, Dock­ery is able to tell the sto­ry with such clar­i­ty and detail that you could swear it hap­pened last week. As the show pro­ceeds he is also able to pro­vide clear insight into his thoughts and emo­tions at the time, espe­cial­ly as his romance develops.

With­out giv­ing away too much of the sto­ry, the romance devel­ops slow­ly and things seem to be going along swim­ming­ly. But after all, this is a Mar­tin Dock­ery sto­ry. Could there be a sur­prise in store?

Mar­tin Dock­ery is a unique­ly tal­ent­ed sto­ry­teller and was cer­tain­ly in fine form when I saw the show, in spite of the less than ide­al venue. His fans will sure­ly enjoy this show. If you haven’t seen him, first, where have you been, and sec­ond­ly, if you see this show, I’m fair­ly cer­tain you will enjoy it too.