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Theatre Reviews

Melanie Gall is back with a new chil­dren’s show, this time pre­tend­ing to be a nine year old witch called Ever­leigh. She calls her­self the worst witch in the world because she can­not per­form any mag­ic. She finds a mag­ic book and starts prac­tis­ing, but, by mis­take, she keeps turn­ing her moth­er into var­i­ous animals.

This is a fun lit­tle show. The songs are catchy. Gall has a warm and bub­bly per­son­al­i­ty, which works well when inter­act­ing with kids. Gen­er­al­ly, except for one child, the kids seemed atten­tive and offered help­ful advice when asked. The sto­ry was sim­ple yet fun and, over­all, this is a show that was enjoyed by both kids and parents.