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On-air now: The Heat Wave Baby Shutdown 12:00pm–2:00pm

Up next: Planet Mainstage 2:00pm–4:00pm

Theatre Reviews

Let’s be hon­est — this is a very large top­ic to cov­er in one hour. In his new one-per­son show, George Buri presents some inter­est­ing ideas from his­to­ry about empire, rev­o­lu­tion and class divi­sions. If this sto­ry was a book, I’d read it. How­ev­er, I would­n’t exact­ly call this a play. It felt more like an hour long his­to­ry lec­ture. This show would have been more the­atri­cal if some scenes were act­ed out, instead of only being dis­cussed. It also did­n’t help that Buri would move around the stage and his face would briefly go into semi-dark­ness until he moved to anoth­er loca­tion. This show is only for his­to­ry buffs.