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On-air now: Expansive Prairie Skies 2:00am–4:00am

Up next: Deep Threes 4:00am–6:00am


New addi­tions include break­through Cana­di­an indie rock sen­sa­tion EKKSTA­CY, trail­blaz­ing Argen­tine singer-song­writer Jua­na Moli­na, exper­i­men­tal gui­tarist and com­pos­er Jeff Park­er (a long­time mem­ber of the post-rock group Tor­toise), bound­ary-push­ing hip-hop artist and com­pos­er Slau­son Mal­one 1 (select­ed by Show Me the Body), out­landish hyper­pop per­for­mance artist Alice Longyu Gao, Fran­coph­o­ne post-punk quar­tet Cor­ri­dor, and LA goth rock out­fit Death Val­ley Girls.

We’re also very excit­ed to wel­come Cincin­nati synth-punk trio The Serfs, Toron­to-based punk rock four-piece Bad Wait­ress, cel­e­brat­ed Cana­di­an DJ and rap­per Myst Milano (return­ing to the fes­ti­val after a grip­ping per­for­mance in 2018), Detroit ghet­totech trio and guest cura­tor selec­tion HiTech, psych-laden shoegaze project The Dis­cus­sion (the lat­est offer­ing from Lau­ra Pleas­ants of Kyle­sa), NYC rhythm and noise band Sed­i­ment Club – the final guest cura­tor pick and side project of Show Me the Body’s Jack­ie McDer­mott – and Indige­nous elec­tron­ic artist Kehiw, who will be head­lin­ing this year’s Drum Beat Enter­tain­ment show­case. These artists join already announced acts such as Mick Jenk­ins, Cher­ry Glaz­err, Show Me the Body, Kari Faux, Plan­et Giza, W.I.T.C.H., Lau­rel Halo, For­est Swords, Wom­bo, Soul Glo, Tomb Mold and many more.

On top of that, we’re proud to announce an out­stand­ing col­lec­tion of emerg­ing artists join­ing this year’s line­up, includ­ing elec­tron­ic-infused hip-hop artist Sydanie, trap and R&B per­former SuKha Nev­er Dies, Edmon­ton soul singer Aladean Kher­oufi, Van­cou­ver-based Afro-fusion act MAU­VEY, ambi­ent com­pos­er and vio­lin­ist respect­ful­child, indie-folk singer-song­writer Ben­nett Mitchell, avant-pop artist Kee Avil, 90s-influ­enced indie rock group knit­ting, Japan­ese drum­mer and elec­tron­ic com­pos­er mineo kawasa­ki, Win­nipeg post-punks Fold Paper, Edmon­ton post-hard­core four-piece Mid­night Peg, noise-meets-screamo out­fit OBROA-SKAI, Ottawa art-pop band Pony Girl, elec­tron­ic dream pop artist Tess Roby, and dynam­ic Van­cou­ver punk band WAIT//LESS.

We’re also thrilled to con­tin­ue our part­ner­ship with the Iran­ian artist-run fes­ti­val SET Exper­i­men­tal Art Events this year, who have curat­ed a small selec­tion of some very excit­ing Iran­ian artists to per­form at Sled Island 2024. ⁠The project, titled SLEDSET, is a col­lab­o­ra­tion meant to build rela­tion­ships between the Iran­ian and Cana­di­an artis­tic scenes, and to bring more cut­ting-edge and bound­ary-push­ing music and mul­ti­me­dia art to Cal­gary and beyond. The artists join­ing Sled Island this year include Nilo­u­far Shiri & Caleb Klager, GOLPE­SAR, Art­Saves and Cin­na Peyghamy.

Sled Island’s com­plete 2024 line­up and sched­ule will be announced in the com­ing months, includ­ing over 150 more bands as well as com­e­dy, film, visu­al art, spe­cial events and con­fer­ence programming.

Sled Island pass­es and tick­ets are cur­rent­ly on sale at SledIs​land​.com. A lim­it­ed num­ber of sin­gle show tick­ets to select new­ly-announced Sled Island 2024 shows will go on sale this Fri­day, April 12 at noon MDT.

For more infor­ma­tion and to see the cur­rent line­up, vis­it SledIs​land​.com.