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It’s August and the annu­al Rain­bow Trout Music Fes­ti­val is just around the cor­ner. Run­ning August 16th to 18th at the Oroseau site near beau­ti­ful St. Malo, Man­i­to­ba, week­end pass­es with camp­ing for this fan­tas­tic fest are going fast so don’t miss out on the good times and get yours at Rain​bowtrout​mu​sicfes​ti​val​.com

Fea­tur­ing a stel­lar line-up of estab­lished bands and up-and-com­ing acts this is a week­end of dis­cov­ery and fun that starts off with The Hai­leys spe­cial blend of rock and includes Toronto’s Hot Garbage, psych-rock­er Paige Dro­bot, singer-song­writer Field Guide and many more.

Day pass­es will be avail­able at the gate, but get your full week­end pass now and get in on all the action at the Rain­bow Trout Music Fes­ti­val run­ning August 16th to 18th, proud­ly sup­port­ed by 101.5 UMFM