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On-air now: Deep Threes 4:00am–6:00am

Up next: Writer's Voice 6:00am–7:00am


Win­ter in Man­i­to­ba can be a long, cold, dark time. But if the rumours are true, Win­nipeg is filled with hearty peo­ple who actu­al­ly still live and thrive in winter.

WIN­TER­RUP­TION is an effort by Winnipeg’s best music venues to give you a great rea­son to leave your house in the dead of win­ter. Pro­duced by the West End Cul­tur­al Cen­tre in part­ner­ship with Real Love Win­nipeg and venues around town, we’re bring­ing you both tick­et­ed and free con­certs at the end of January.

This year’s con­cert series has expand­ed to 14 shows fea­tur­ing 30+ amaz­ing per­form­ers in mul­ti­ple venues includ­ing the West End Cul­tur­al Cen­tre, Good Will Social Club, The Hand­some Daugh­ter, Park The­atre, and the Rec Room.

Fol­low along with UMFM’s Insta­gram for your chance to win tick­ets to some of these amaz­ing shows!!!