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WIN­TER­RUP­TION is an effort by Winnipeg’s best music venues to give you a great rea­son to leave your house in the dead of win­ter. Pro­duced by the West End Cul­tur­al Cen­tre in part­ner­ship with Real Love Win­nipeg and venues around town, we’re bring­ing you both tick­et­ed and free con­certs at the end of January.

This year’s con­cert series fea­tures 12 amaz­ing shows that show­case more than 30 amaz­ing per­form­ers in mul­ti­ple venues includ­ing the West End Cul­tur­al Cen­tre, Good Will Social Club, Bull­dog Events Cen­tre, The Cana­di­an Muse­um For Human Rights, and the Forks Mar­ket.

Some of this year’s amaz­ing head­lin­ers include, but are not lim­it­ed to:

Hele­na Deland — this Mon­tréal-based musi­cian crafts thought­ful exper­i­men­tal folk/​country tunes. Her 2023 release Good­night Sum­mer­land’ (pro­duced by Sam Evian) is at once con­ver­sa­tion­al, reflec­tive, and curi­ous with entranc­ing acoustic gui­tar, gen­tle per­cus­sion, and touch­es of piano + woodwinds.

Bry Webb — hail­ing from Guelph, Ontario, Bry Webb may be best known as lead singer of leg­endary rock band the Con­stan­tines. Fol­low­ing the band’s hia­tus, Bry Webb released two solo albums, Provider’ (2011) and Free Will’ (2014), before tak­ing what he thought would be a per­ma­nent break from record­ing. Now, almost a decade after his last release, Bry Webb is back with an enthralling folk LP, Run With Me’— fea­tur­ing some of his rawest sen­ti­ments yet.

Burs — It’s small the small things that stick with you :’) This Toron­to-based four-piece cre­ates ambi­ent dream pop that turns over every leaf and trea­sures the tini­est crea­ture. Their lat­est release Hold­ing Pat­terns’ (2022) is a must-hear!

Lis­ten to UMFM for your chance to win tick­ets to some of these amaz­ing shows!!!