Listen Live

On-air now: Thank God It's Free Range! 6:30pm–8:00pm

Up next: After 8 Radio 8:00pm–10:00pm

How To Listen

UMFM broad­casts in Win­nipeg, MB at 101.5 Mhz on the FM band. If you’re out­side of Win­nipeg, or would rather lis­ten online, we offer sev­er­al options.

Pop-up play­er — this play­er will open in a new win­dow and auto­mat­i­cal­ly play our stream while you’re at your com­put­er, as well as show the cur­rent­ly play­ing show and time slot. (Note that at present our embed­ded play­er does not work on Safari.)

PLS Stream — this for­mat can be played in appli­ca­tions such as iTunes, VLC, Winamp, and Win­dows Media Player.

M3U Stream — this alter­nate for­mat can also be played in appli­ca­tions such as iTunes, VLC, Winamp, and Win­dows Media Player.

**We’ve test­ed all of these meth­ods exten­sive­ly and know that they work. Lis­ten­ing dif­fi­cul­ties can be resolved by upgrad­ing your soft­ware of choice to it’s most recent version!**

The UMFM Second Stream

We’re very pleased to intro­duce the newest mem­ber of our UMFM radio fam­i­ly — the Sec­ond Stream! We’ll be using this new online only por­tal to broad­cast spe­cial pro­gram­ming, events and oth­er key pro­grams of inter­est that we feel are essen­tial to your lis­ten­ing habits — all with­out dis­rupt­ing the great UMFM pro­gram­ming on your ter­res­tri­al radio dial.

Listening On The Go

While our new site is 100% mobile friend­ly, you can still lis­ten to all of your favorite UMFM pro­grams on your smart­phone by installing the TuneIn radio app if you’d like! Not only is this great app free of charge, but you can use it to lis­ten to more than 70, 000 radio sta­tions worldwide. 

Our own app is cur­rent­ly being re-imag­ined, so be sure to check back lat­er for all the details!


If you have tech­ni­cal ques­tions or issues in regards to UMFM’s online lis­ten­ing expe­ri­ence, don’t hes­i­tate to email us or give us a call dur­ing reg­u­lar office hours and we’ll do our best to get you sort­ed out right away!