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Under The Mistletoe with Those Guys

Under The Mistletoe with Those Guys

UMFM Presents

Made up of nine per­form­ers who rep­re­sent a cross-sec­tion of the Win­nipeg music and the­atre com­mu­ni­ty, Those Guys have built a rep­u­ta­tion for dynam­ic, feel-good per­for­mances since 2009. Their reper­toire, which ranges from The Nylons to Justin Tim­ber­lake (and every­thing in between), fea­tures com­plex (often orig­i­nal) musi­cal arrange­ments per­formed with­out a sin­gle instru­ment. In 2012, Those Guys released their first stu­dio record­ing, That Album”. Their fol­low-up EP, LIVE!”, was released in Decem­ber 2014, fol­lowed by a hol­i­day album, This Christ­mas”, in 2015. Their most recent album, At Home”, com­prised entire­ly of cov­ers of songs by Man­i­to­ba artists, was released in Feb­ru­ary 2020.

The guys take on one of my all time favorite artists here. Great job! …they real­ly got it goin’ on and I’m so proud of you all!” ‑Jer­ry Law­son (of The Per­sua­sions and Jer­ry Law­son & the Talk of the Town)

To see Those Guys’ live is to love them. They’re bril­liant. I had no idea I was into a cap­pel­la until they came along…[Those Guys] make peo­ple hap­py.” ‑Ace Burpee, host of 103.1 Vir­gin Radio’s Ace Burpee Show (from Ace Burpee’s 100 Most Fas­ci­nat­ing Man­i­to­bans 2012)

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