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TD Winnipeg International Jazz Festival presents Preservation Hall Jazz Band

TD Winnipeg International Jazz Festival presents Preservation Hall Jazz Band

At a moment when musi­cal streams are cross­ing with unprece­dent­ed fre­quen­cy, it’s cru­cial to remem­ber that through­out its his­to­ry, New Orleans has been the point at which sounds and cul­tures from around the world con­verge, min­gle, and resur­face, trans­formed by the Cres­cent City’s inim­itable spir­it and joie de vivre. Nowhere is that idea more vivid­ly embod­ied than in the Preser­va­tion Hall Jazz Band, which has held the torch of New Orleans music aloft for more than 50 years, all the while car­ry­ing it enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly for­ward as a reminder that the his­to­ry they were found­ed to pre­serve is a vibrant­ly liv­ing history.

With spe­cial guests Kind Neighbours.

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