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St. Patrick's Day with The Dust Rhinos

St. Patrick's Day with The Dust Rhinos

UMFM Presents

In the vibrant tapes­try of Cana­di­an music, the Dust Rhi­nos stand as a spir­it­ed tes­ta­ment to the infec­tious allure of Celtic folk rock. Hail­ing from the musi­cal heart­land of Win­nipeg, Man­i­to­ba, this quin­tet has been carv­ing its son­ic path for an impres­sive three decades.

Found­ed on a shared love for the spir­it­ed tra­di­tions of Celtic melodies, the Dust Rhi­nos have become syn­ony­mous with elec­tri­fy­ing per­for­mances that tran­scend gen­er­a­tions. Blair McEvoy, the dri­ving force behind the band, weaves a musi­cal spell with his pow­er­ful vocals and per­cus­sive gui­tar play­ing and mas­ter­ful sto­ry telling. His charis­mat­ic stage pres­ence sets the tone for a Dust Rhi­nos expe­ri­ence — a jour­ney into the heart of live­ly, foot-stomp­ing rhythms and soul-stir­ring melodies.

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