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Noah Derksen with Dominique Adams

Noah Derksen with Dominique Adams

With a sup­ple voice and a del­i­cate deliv­ery, Noah Derk­sen is poised to become one of the next great singer-song­writ­ers this city has seen. Hav­ing already won Cana­di­an Folk Music’s Emerg­ing Artist of the Year in 2021, he’s set to break big with his new album, Sanc­ti­ty of Silence, which gets its release at the West End Cul­tur­al Cen­tre on Fri­day March 31st along­side spe­cial guest Dominique Adams.

The album is a snap­shot of recent time in Derk­sens’ life and the songs explore the beau­ty and hard­ship of lov­ing anoth­er in this world. 

Advance tick­ets for the Sanc­ti­ty of Silence album release are only $20 plus fees and are avail­able now at wecc​.ca so get yours and join Noah Derk­sen for an inti­mate night at the West End Cul­tur­al Cen­tre on Fri­day March 31st, proud­ly sup­port­ed by 101.5 UMFM.

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