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Jocelyn Gould Sonic Bouquet Album Release | Jazz at the Fort Garry Hotel

Jocelyn Gould Sonic Bouquet Album Release | Jazz at the Fort Garry Hotel

JUNO win­ner Joce­lyn Gould has been called a leader in the next gen­er­a­tion of great main­stream jazz gui­tarists” by Howard Paul, CEO of Benedet­to Gui­tars. Her joy­ful ener­gy has cap­ti­vat­ed audi­ences around the world and her pas­sion for music is infec­tious. She has absorbed the influ­ences of the jazz gui­tar greats and has woven them into an excit­ing per­son­al sound. She has a unique abil­i­ty to con­nect with audi­ences, always leav­ing them want­i­ng more.

Joce­lyn’s debut release as a leader, Ele­gant Trav­el­er, won the 2021 JUNO award for Jazz Album of the Year. Gold­en Hour, Jocelyn’s sopho­more album released in spring of 2022, reached #1 on the Cana­di­an Earshot charts and #9 on Amer­i­can Col­lege Radio charts. Joce­lyn has spent the last sev­er­al years tour­ing exten­sive­ly and has a busy tour sched­ule ahead of her. She has per­formed as a leader in the US, Cana­da, UK, Spain, and Israel, and has toured with world class musi­cians includ­ing Fred­dy Cole, Eti­enne Charles, Michael Dease, Rod­ney Whitak­er, Bria Skon­berg and Ben­ny Benack III.

Son­ic Bou­quet is Jocelyn’s third album as a leader. It fea­tures an all-star band con­sist­ing of bassist Rod­ney Whitak­er, drum­mer Quin­cy Davis, gui­tarist Randy Napoleon, pianist Will Bon­ness, and clar­inetist Vir­ginia Mac­Don­ald. Son­ic Bou­quet cap­tures the spir­it and spon­tane­ity of a live per­for­mance with an unique front line con­sist­ing of two gui­tars and clarinet.

Joce­lyn is a full time pro­fes­sor of music and head of the gui­tar depart­ment at Hum­ber Col­lege in Toron­to. She is endorsed by Benedet­to Gui­tars and plays a Benedet­to 16‑B.


Sun­day shows at Jazz at the Fort Gar­ry Hotel fea­ture two 60-minute seat­ings per evening. Please select which seat­ing you would like to attend dur­ing checkout.

Seat­ing 1 | 6:30pm — 7:30pm
(Doors open at 5:30pm)

Seat­ing 2 | 8:30pm — 9:30pm
(Doors open at 8:00pm)

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