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Burt Block Party: Rise Against / PUP / Cancer Bats

Burt Block Party: Rise Against / PUP / Cancer Bats

UMFM Presents

Amer­i­can punk rock leg­ends Rise Against, along with PUP and Can­cer Bats join in on the Burt Block Par­ty fun, tak­ing the stage on August 20th out­side the his­toric Bur­ton Cum­mings Theatre! 

Con­tin­u­al­ly defy­ing the sta­tus quo of mod­ern rock, Rise Against brings their mul­ti-Gold and Plat­inum rep­u­ta­tion and recent chart-top­ping ninth album Nowhere Gen­er­a­tion to head­line a night of hard­core punk rock. Join­ing them will be PUP, known for their typ­i­cal­ly furi­ous and anthemic songs, and the five-time Juno nom­i­nat­ed met­al stal­warts Can­cer Bats. 

Tick­ets for the August 20th Burt Block Par­ty go on sale Fri­day, July 8 at 10 a.m. via Tick​et​mas​ter​.ca, for $79.50 plus fees. VIP tick­ets are avail­able for $149.50 plus fees and include perks like access to the VIP view­ing deck , exclu­sive bar ser­vice, and access to the Burt’s indoor washrooms.

Don’t miss Rise Against, along with PUP and Can­cer Bats at the Burt Block Par­ty on August 20th brought to you by True North Sports & Enter­tain­ment in part­ner­ship with F7 Enter­tain­ment, and proud­ly sup­port­ed by UMFM 101.5 !

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