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Ballets Jazz Montreal: Dance Me - Music by Leonard Cohen

Ballets Jazz Montreal: Dance Me - Music by Leonard Cohen

UMFM Presents

Les Bal­let Jazz de Mon­tréal explores the grand cycles of exis­tence set to the pro­found works of Leonard Cohen with their brand new per­for­mance Dance Me”, tak­ing place at the Cen­ten­ni­al Con­cert Hall on Tues­day, August 16th

Designed by 3 inter­na­tion­al­ly renowned chore­o­g­ra­phers, Dance Me finds new mean­ing in the music of Leonard Cohen, as 14 dancers grace the stage. Tick­ets for this once in a life­time per­for­mance are avail­able now at the Cen­ten­ni­al Con­cert Hall or via cen​ten​ni​al​con​certhall​.com.

Don’t miss Bal­lets Jazz Mon­tréal Dance Me – Music by Leonard Cohen on August 16th at the Cen­ten­ni­al Con­cert Hall, brought to you by Geron­i­mo Enter­tain­ment and proud­ly sup­port­ed by UMFM 101.5!

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