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2nd Annual Winnipeg Crankie Festival - Opening Night

2nd Annual Winnipeg Crankie Festival - Opening Night

Open­ing Night for the Crankie Fes­ti­val will be a col­lab­o­ra­tive evening host­ed by one of Winnipeg’s pre­mier mul­ti-instru­men­tal­ists and com­posers, Daniel Koulack, and his band The Knap­pen Street All Stars.

Spe­cial guests include And­ri­na Turenne, James Kee­laghan, Scott Nolan, The Uni­ver­si­ty of Man­i­to­ba Women’s Cho­rus Con­duct­ed By Dr. Elroy Friesen, The Heib­ert Fam­i­ly, who were fea­tured in the Rain­bow Stage hit show Strike”. Singer/​Songwriter and his­to­ri­an Ted Long­bot­tom, and Man­i­to­ba musi­cal enig­ma, David Gra­ham, who blew the audi­ence away at last year’s Win­nipeg Jazz Fes­ti­val, in an impromp­tu vocal jam with Bob­by McFerrin. 

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